Sunday, January 8, 2012


1 1/2 oz Vodka
1/2 oz Dry Vermouth
1 Green olive

How to make a Vodkatini:

Mix all ingredients for a Vodkatini Recipe in a chilled cocktail shaker and pour into cocktail drinking glasses. Add an olive, onion, lemon twist or maraschino cherry  to create a great speciality drink from an easy to make recipe!

Fizzy Banger Shot:

Put the shot glass on the bar, fill it half way with your choice of vodka.  Top w/lemon lime soda leaving a little room at the top. Cover the glass with a cocktail napkin. Now place the palm of one hand over the napkin and hold the shot glass with the other hand. Lift your hands together and then bang the shot glass three times quickly on the bar in the course of about a second and a half.   Shoot it down while the bubbles are going strong.

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