Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Scotch From Scotland: Highlands Whiskey

Today we are going to look at a couple of Scotch cocktails--cocktails made using Scotch.  To quote the great Max Riffner, a Scotch purist if ever there was one, "If you don't drink Scotch, you are missing out on an essential part of being human.

The first cocktail is a Highlands Sling.  The Scottish Highlands are an area dominated by the Ben Nevis, the tallest mountain range in the UK--essentially the Highlands divide Eastern and Western Scotland.

These days, the Highlands are rural and not well populated, largely due to the outlawing of the Highlands way of life as a result of the Jacobite Uprising, when Charles Stuart tried to regain the British Crown.  Also, as has happened all over the world, the traditional rural ways of life have been abandoned; people are traveling to the cities to seek their fortunes (the migration of people from rural areas to industrial areas has been typical since the dawn of modern industry).

1 tsp superfine sugar
2 tsp water
1 oz lemon juice
2 oz Scotch whisky
1 twist lemon peel

In a shaker half-filled with ice cubes, combine the sugar, water, lemon juice, and scotch. Shake well. Strain into a highball glass. Garnish with the lemon twist.

That's a Highland Sling.  Another good Scotch drink is a Pat Quinn--the Scotch settles your nerves while the orange soda cools you off and refreshes your palate.  This is a perfect drink for this unseasonable heat/humidity wave we seem to be experiencing.

Pat Quinn:

1 oz Scotch whisky
4 oz orange soda

Pour the orange pop into a highball glass. Add the scotch whiskey, stir, and serve

All right?  All right.  'Til Next time, SEE YA!

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