Sunday, August 21, 2011

Links to Bradley Liquors on the Web!

Hey...don't forget, you can find Bradley Liquors at a bunch of spots on the web. Obviously, there's this blog but there is also:

Bradley Liquors' Twitter Feed: The Recipe of the Day


Bradley Liquors' Facebook Page

And of course, we'd love it if you'd "Like" us on Facebook!


Watta Melon!

A day like today is a great day for melon...drinks! There is a green colored liqueur made of melon called Midori. Here are a couple of great Midori drinks--long drinks, for sipping on an early Sunday afternoon.

This first is a blender drink. Great with friends, with a boyfriend, girlfriend, or lover--when you have the use of your parents' condo for the weekend or the family place down the shore--this is the one you want.

It's called a Midori Sour.

2 oz Midori® melon liqueur
6 - 8 oz sweet and sour mix
1/2 tsp sugar

Mix all ingredients in a blender with enough ice to freeze. Serve in a tall glass with a lime twist garnish.

This next is great as a morning drink when you have to mow the lawn. The energy drink pumps you up, the ginger ale gives it a tart, tight taste, and the Midori takes the edge off.

It's called a Midori Rush.

2 oz Midori® melon liqueur
2 oz Adrenaline Rush energy soda
2 oz ginger ale

Mix all ingredients in glass with ice. Garnish as desired with orange slice or cherry.

All right? Hope you enjoy these and as always, 'til next time, SEE YA!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Mocktails (Nonalcoholic Cocktails)

All right everybody. It's Tuesday, 3PM. It's the middle of the week, which means you need to keep your game tight and on point. So in that spirit, since Tuesday is *less* of a good day for cocktails (although it's still just fine) I've included a list of some mocktails--Bradley Liquors carries most of these ingredients, although some you can get at the grocery store.

Also, mocktails (drinks with no alcohol) are good if you are pregnant or prefer not to imbibe for other reasons. Some of them contain things like bitters or wasabi powder and can give you plenty of kick or bite without alcohol. If you've got to be up early to be in the city for a 9 AM presentation for an important client, try one of these. They'll settle your nerves but won't dull your edge.

Again, Bradley Liquors carries a lot of the ingredients for these , and the others--such as apricot nectar, which is really just the juice of canned apricots--you can get at the grocery store.

Check this one out, it's called an Apricot Gingerini--and if you DO want a bit of spirits with it, add gin.

2 1/2 oz white grape juice
3 oz apricot nectar
1 oz ginger-infused simple syrup
1/4 tsp ground clove


Pour grape juice, apricot nectar, ginger-infused simple syrup (to make ginger infused simple syrup, simply make simple syrup according to the recipe on this blog and when you heat the sugar/water mix, heat it with pieces of fresh ginger) and most of the ground clove into a mixing glass fill with ice.

Shake vigorously, then strain into a martini glass.

Garnish with the remaining ground clove atop the drink.

This next one is called a Beach Blanket Bingo--good for hydration after a Monday night of partying.

3 oz grapefruit juice
3 oz cranberry juice
soda water
lime wedge for garnish


Pour the juices into a collins glass filled with ice.
Top with soda.
Garnish with a lime wedge.

Bradley Liquors' sells all of the ingredients necessary to make this mocktail.

All right? All right. 'Til next time SEE YA!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Monday Morning Blues

Have you got the Monday morning blues? Do you have to (ugh!) wake up and go to work? Get on the train and go, when you would much rather sleep in?

I know, it's rough. But you know, you can grab a drink on the way home--and you should know that if you should happen to be hopping the train to a Yanks or Devils or NBA or NFL game, NJTransit has an unofficial policy of letting you drink on the train, as does the LIRR and the Metro North. Some people bring beer in painters buckets filled with ice on game day.

Thought you'd like to know. It's going to be a long Monday, to be sure, but on the way home, grab a beer and sit with your compatriots. Get a club going!

Here is an article in the New York Times about the drinking habits of commuters.

Also, in honor of commuters everywhere, here is a recipe for a real stiff one--the energy cola gives you a little jolt so you can spend time with the kids (and the wife) in the evening, and the pomegranite vodka gives you a little sweet-sour-bitter chill to take the edge off. It's quite nice as an afterwork.

This is called a Three Fast Olives.

1 part Nos. energy soda
1 part Three Olive Pomegranite vodka

Pour Nos and Three Olive Pomegranate Vodka half and half in a plastic cup, mix with one of those awful plastic spoons and enjoy!

Note to train imbibers: You can make a great improvised cocktail shaker out of a paper cup and a plastic one with a lid and some ice. You simply put the ice and the liquor in the paper cup, put the plastic one over the top like a Boston Shaker, shake, and then strain out of the plastic cup by making and using a space between the side of the lid and the rim of the plastic cup.

Takes practice to do really well, but the people who mind the Cafe cars on Amtrak trains manage, and so can you.

This post is in honor of anyone who has ever gotten up at 5 AM to catch a 6 AM train to New York and gotten stuck for an hour just outside of the tunnel into Penn Station. Skoal!


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Let It Rain, Let It Rain, Let it Rain, Rain, Rain

Well, it's raining like *mad*. That means no beach, no patio, no nothin' but sleepin' in with the one you love. Like the man said, you ain't got no one, you better go back out and find her...

Here's a couple of good rain cocktails. The first uses a liqueur called Hypnotiq, which Bradley Liquors carries--Hypnotiq is a mix of vodka, exotic fruit juices and a bit of cognac. It's very similar to Alize though not the same.

This one is called an Emerald Rain.

2 oz Hpnotiq® liqueur
1 oz 100 proof vodka
1/2 oz orange juice
1/4 freshly squeezed lime

'Pour all ingredients into a shaker with ice and shake well. Serve in a very cold cocktail glass or over ice in any other glass. Easy to make and an instant hit!

This next is called a Purple Rain--an excellent movie to watch if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend who has ever been in a band. That movie was the straight up and down truth about competition between bands.

1 1/2 oz gin
cranberry juice
1 splash Blue Curacao liqueur
1 splash sweet and sour mix
1 splash soda water

Pour gin into an ice-filled highball glass, and fill with cranberry juice. Add blue curacao, sour mix and soda. Shake gently, add more curacao (until royal-purple), and serve.

All right? All right. I'm heading home to crank up my amplifier and rawk out on my guitar. 'Til next time, SEE YA!